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A member of our sales team created a “Non-Inventory Sales Part,” added it as a line item on the customer order, and now I am unable to transfer the engineering structure since this item is already seen on the inventory side. This is creating a problem because without the structure, which the sales part doesn’t have, we cannot set the structure to buildable and issue shop orders. Is it possible to delete this “Non-Inventory Sales Part?”

Yes its possible. Firstly remove it from the customer order and then you can delete the non-inventory sales part.

So, we went back and looked at this and the non-inventory sales part was used on a quotation (not a customer order line) that could not be deleted, only cancelled. Any ideas on this one? Thanks.

If the quotation line is in ‘planned’ state, it can still be deleted or use the ‘substitute sales part’ RMB option. If thats not the case, im afraid there is nothing much you can do about it (at least from the front end).

This can be done with an UPDATE query on the database. I recommend reaching out to IFS for a data repair to ensure the open order is fully cleaned up first.