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Does someone know why the MS Level 1 calculation is automatically run, when the MRP is run, and MRP process is completed.

I have checked in 3 App10 environments and I got the same results. Please see below in the progress text details in the background job.


And, I have checked this by running MRP for a site in App9 environment, and it stops after finishing the MRP job. Nothing related to MS Level 1 calculation.


Is this a difference introduced in App10 version, or is there some setting to control the behavior ?



Hi @ThushAsanka,


I believe this came as an enhancement in APP10. Introduced through a new method to MRP Process.

MRP_Process_API.Start_Ms_Calculation__ (

That is why you don’t get to see the same step in APP9 MRP process.

Hi @Tharindu Illangasinghe ,

Thank you. Yes, after you told, I had a look on the Mrp_Process_Api.Process_Mrp__ function. And it has the function Start_Ms_Calculation__ function inside it, which is to be executed after completing the MRP process. And App9 version does not have it, and also does not have the Start_Ms_Calculation__ function within the Mrp_Process_API package.

Do you have any information or do you know on why this enhancement has been introduced in APP10 ?

(The functional side of performing MS 1 calculation after MRP ?,  since we normally run MS before MRP)

I have checked the Enhancements Spreadsheet also, but did not found something related to this mentioned there.


Thank you in advance !


In Apps10 the ability to consume forecast through dependent demand was introduced. I’m guessing this is why this function now exists in the MRP process. MRP calculates the dependent demand, MS then evaluates it.

Yeap, as Matt indicates, we did a lot of improvement regarding MS in Apps10 regarding dependent demand. All of a sudden MS works fine when you are in an Engineer To Order Environemnt and want to forecast some long lead time purchase items - so that you can start your procurement and manufacturing earlier. And then we did some thinking behind the R&D walls and we said: “hey why not kick off the Level 1 calculation for MS Level 1 parts that are subassemblies or purchased right after MRP...” So this post job runs the level 1 calculation for these “guys”. Of course, this works best for purchased items. If you have master scheduled items in the middle of the BOM, then it is always a bit a problem how to sequence your MS-MRP-MS-MRP…. jobs, if you know what I mean. With this solution, which is not perfect, we still believe some customers will have less MS/MRP background jobs to schedule.

Thanks and good luck with your material planning


Thank you very much Tharindu, Matt and Mats Johnson for your explanations and answers. They helped a lot.


@majose , yes, few parts which are in the middle of the BOM, are planned by MS also. So, the MS1 calculation runs for those parts just after the MRP. I’ll ask for some further help on this, if I need. 😊

Thank you all again !




This could also be due to a Scheduled Database Chain.  If you have any of these created, you could look there.

This could also be due to a Scheduled Database Chain.  If you have any of these created, you could look there.

I have checked for scheduled database task chains, but there were no any.

