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24.1.3 and reported by customer in their 23R2.

In the page Shop Order Operations, there used to be a command ‘Scheduling’ which would allow you to either Sequence Operations or Schedule Shop Orders. This command is no longer present in this page.

I can sequence, though, in the page Visual Shop Order Operations Planning.

Why is this command no longer available here?


Works fine for me in 23R2. Are you using MSO on the site?


@Björn Hultgren no, MSO is not used on the site, it’s not installed on the system.

@matt.watters OK, then I don’t know what the problem could be in the customer’s environment. 

@Björn Hultgren it appears that not having MSO installed is the problem.

In the shop order operations page, where the command is missing, the logic is:

record.IsCbsSite = 0 AND record.OperStatusCode != "Cancelled" AND record.OperStatusCode != "Closed" AND api.count(t"WorkCenterNo"]) = 1 AND api.count(t"Contract"]) = 1 AND record.MsoSchedulingType = "STATIC".

In the shop floor workbench, where the command is available, the logic is:

record.IsCbsSite = 0 AND record.OperStatusCode != "Cancelled" AND record.OperStatusCode != "Closed" AND api.count(t"WorkCenterNo"]) = 1 AND api.count(t"Contract"]) = 1.

@matt.watters Then the problem might be that the value of MsoSchedulingType is returned as null when MSO is not installed which would explain why I can see the command in the the core environment which has MSO installed. Looks like a bug in such case.

@Björn Hultgren why is there inconsistent logic across the various pages; shop order operations (MSO dependent), dispatch list/visual operations planning (not MSO dependent)? Is that the bug?

@matt.watters Hard to say. But if the sequencing command (and schedule shop order) was available on a page before the upgrade but not after I think you can report a support ticket to have it further investigated.
