Missing command for sequencing in Shop Order Operations page
24.1.3 and reported by customer in their 23R2.
In the page Shop Order Operations, there used to be a command ‘Scheduling’ which would allow you to either Sequence Operations or Schedule Shop Orders. This command is no longer present in this page.
I can sequence, though, in the page Visual Shop Order Operations Planning.
Why is this command no longer available here?
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Works fine for me in 23R2. Are you using MSO on the site?
@Björn Hultgren no, MSO is not used on the site, it’s not installed on the system.
@matt.watters OK, then I don’t know what the problem could be in the customer’s environment.
@Björn Hultgren it appears that not having MSO installed is the problem.
In the shop order operations page, where the command is missing, the logic is:
record.IsCbsSite = 0 AND record.OperStatusCode != "Cancelled" AND record.OperStatusCode != "Closed" AND api.count(t"WorkCenterNo"]) = 1 AND api.count(t"Contract"]) = 1 AND record.MsoSchedulingType = "STATIC".
In the shop floor workbench, where the command is available, the logic is:
record.IsCbsSite = 0 AND record.OperStatusCode != "Cancelled" AND record.OperStatusCode != "Closed" AND api.count(t"WorkCenterNo"]) = 1 AND api.count(t"Contract"]) = 1.
@matt.watters Then the problem might be that the value of MsoSchedulingType is returned as null when MSO is not installed which would explain why I can see the command in the the core environment which has MSO installed. Looks like a bug in such case.
@Björn Hultgren why is there inconsistent logic across the various pages; shop order operations (MSO dependent), dispatch list/visual operations planning (not MSO dependent)? Is that the bug?
@matt.watters Hard to say. But if the sequencing command (and schedule shop order) was available on a page before the upgrade but not after I think you can report a support ticket to have it further investigated.