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Manufacturing Shop Order Release_No being set where?

  • 25 August 2020
  • 1 reply

I have a situation where some shop orders are getting the Release_No set to 1.  Initially I thought it was a user issue, but found that we have this field hidden and the user can’t get to it.  The other thing I found was that the Shop Orders appear to come from Shop Order Requisitions, but I can’t seem to get it to duplicate in my recent refreshed test environment.  The other thing I thought it may be was if you copy a Shop Order that has the Release_No set to 1 that it just brought it along, I’m not able to make that happen as well.  What sets the Release_No?  We utilize the default lot numbering in IFS and we are seeing some of the Lot #s have a number in the Release_No field instead of *.  

When you release a customer order with supply type shop order the system will create a shop order with order no, release no and sequence no similar as the customer order line.

When you release a batch balance all shop orders within the balance will get the same order no, and unique release numbers. 

When you manually create a shop order you can enter the order no, release no and sequence no as you wish, but if you leave it blank system should generate an order no and put * as release and sequence no

The same goes when created by converting a shop order requisition. system should generate an order no and put * as release and sequence no.

I tried duplicating an order with “2” as its release no in apps 10, but the copied shop order got * anyway.  
