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When an employee works overnight labor clocking's within clocking on day 1 and out clocking on day 2 is 'calculated' on day 2.  This causes a mfg. diff. on day 1. Furthermore, duration of the labor clocking is calculated to 0.

Could you advice any known workaround available?

If a calendar has been connected to the labor class person connected to the reporting employee, an overnight manufacturing clocking will be booked based on what work day the clocking stop time belongs according to this calendar. So if you setup the calendar so that the day continues until say 04:00 day After, a stop time before this will count to the previous day.

If a calendar had not been connected to the labor class person, but instead "Use HR Schedule" had been selected, the clocking will be booked on the Work day similar as the attendance. I'm not sure how that logic works, but I think it is rather based on the start time. 


Hi Elath,


I too agreed with bjorn. If you looked into the labor class of employee, you will be able to observe the Use HR Schedule and also a Calendar ID might have been added. If you removed the Calendar ID and recreated the manufacturing clocking it will booked on the correct date!


