If sales charges in customers orders have no connection to any customer order lines those charges are possible to invoice directly after order have been released. In order to prevent that to be done when doing batch invoicing this checkbox can be used. Then the unconnected sales charge lines will be invoiced next batch job run after first delivery is done.
Quick question. Where I can find this check box? “Invoice unconnected charges separately” checkbox
Thanks in advance!
This check box is on the company/distribution tab and also available in batch create customer order invoices.
Hi @svrmhuebner,
This checkbox was introduced to the IFS Application through a new functionality implemented to control the invoicing of unconnected charges by aligning the normal invoicing and collective invoicing regarding how unconnected charges are handled. The basic purpose of this check box is to control if the job would invoice unconnected charge lines when there is nothing else to be invoiced in the customer order, or not.
Before this check box was introduced, when there was a charge line without order line connection in the customer order, it was possible to invoice this line as soon as the customer order is released, if it is ‘normal’ invoices that is used, using order flow or create customer invoice form. Additionally, a checkbox in Batch Create Customer Invoice dialog gives the user a choice to invoice such charge lines alone or to wait until some quantity (or a stage) is invoice ready. However, if the customer is using collective invoices, it is not possible invoice the unconnected customer order charge until some quantity is delivered and is invoice ready.
On top of this discrepancy, if the order is setup to use delivery confirmation, when using normal customer invoices, (other than in above dialog) it is possible to invoice unconnected charge lines even when no quantity is delivery confirmed. For collective invoices, to invoice such charge lines, at least some quantity must be delivery confirmed.
For example:
1. Create a customer order. Notice the ‘Confirm Deliveries’ checkbox is marked in customer order/delivery information tab.
2. Add a customer order line for 10 parts.
3. Add a customer order charge line, without connecting to above customer order line.
4. Release.
5. In the quick order flow, search for above customer order and notice that it is possible to create an invoice for the unconnected charge, even though no quantity is delivered nor delivery confirmed.
If the users were set up to use collective invoices, it was not possible to invoice the charge until some quantity is delivered and then delivery confirmed. The invoice can only be created along with delivery confirmed quantity.
When using normal customer invoices, if the user decides to use Batch Create Customer Invoices dialog, the ‘Exclude unconnected charges for undelivered customer orders’ to avoid invoicing charges like above.
There has been a discrepancy in the system exist about invoicing of charge lines.
Therefore this check box was introduced with the aim to align all invoice functions in supply chain with regards to charges.
Hope the above information is useful to you
Best Regards,