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Hi All,


I am having a inventory part with “Online consumption” option as shown below.



Further, MS Level 1 promised method for the inventory part is “Unconsumed Forecast”




When I create a  CO with supply Code “Internal Purch Trans” , It is not allowed to save the CO line and it seems it evaluate with the  “Unconsumed Forecast” of CO header site. But  if i save this line by adjusting the quantity or date, This particular CO line is not captured in MS Level 1 ‘master schedule calculation’ job. 


CO lines with Supply code options ”Internal Purch trans /Direct” should not consider the MS Level 1 “Unconsumed Forecast”  when saving the record since it is not shown as a Actual Demand  in the MS Level 1 window.


Appreciate your comments on this.


Kind regards


Hi Chanaka,

During the years, Master Scheduling have been behaving different when it comes to the supply code; Internal Purchase Transit and Internal Purchase Direct.

When calculating master scheduling level 1 and you have supply code Internal Purchase Transit or Internal Purchase Direct:

  • In Apps10, these days, when you release the customer order header, then customer order line demand will be loaded into master scheduling. 

BUT you make be unsure how we should handle the Online Forecast Consumption in this specific case. It is not consistent. But the simple solution would be to do the same as in the level 1 calculation. Consider the CO Line once the header is released. I think you should report a support case for this.

I hope my answer help you to some extent.

Best Regards,