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Hello all European IFS customers.

Is there anyone of you out there that have the same trouble as us to fulfill ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) Waste Framework Directive (WFD). This means send information to SCIP (Substances of Concern In Products). Base for this this information exist in IFS and the module Eco Footprint, But.. IFS don’t have all information and they don't have the interface to export to SCIP out of the box . As this is an European directive we thought IFS should fix this in coming releases, or in an extension,, But the info I got says that they wont do that.

Is there anyone else out the that want to join forces to get this done?

Christer Kindvall


We do not have the ECO Footprint module installed yet, but we have to report product information to SCIP.

As IFS customers, we must encourage IFS to add the functionality needed so we could fulfil legal demands in a proper way.


Br Peter Skoglund

Hi, we are also having this need at our company. Internally we are thinking if Characteristics could be used for this purpose. However, we haven't had it used in our company. 

Do you think it could work? 


