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Hey guys after some help please

Is it possible to receipt in goods without inputting batch/serial/lot numbers? and if so how do you do this?

If the part is either lot or serial tracked in the part window, then you need to enter a lot/serial no. If the part is 'not lot tracked' then you don't need to.

thank you, can I ask another question please

when setting up the part number if its a serial no/lot number part this needs to be identified at this time,? and then when the PO is put on the system it must be the same and then when receipted that's when the Serial/lot numbers need to be entered?


Yes, you need to identify it at the time of setting it up. Then at the time of the receipt of the PO, you need to enter either the lot no or the serial no depending on the part setup.

Thank you, do you know anything abut moving stock into QA?


Yes. what do you want to know?

On the Master Part record (Part Catalog), the lot and serial settings both have “sub-opitons” which might help here…


Instead of setting the standard “Lot Tracked” setting, it’s possible to select “Order Based” lot tracking. This setting will cause IFS to automatically assign lot numbers upon receipt into inventory, based on the order from which the part originated (if it came from a Purchase Order, then the lot number will match the PO number, Line No, Del No and Receipt No, but if the part came from a shop order, then the lot number will consist of the shop order no, rel, seq, and receipt number). Such a setting will remove the need for the goods receipt personnel to have to manually enter a lot number, but still gives the advantages of lot-tracking).


Furthermore, if serial tracking is enabled it’s possible to set the serial rule to “Automatic”. This will cause IFS to automatically assign serial numbers upon receipt of parts into inventory. The serial numbers will be sequential, so the 1st time you receive a given part number into stock, it will be assigned serial number 1. Each subsequent receipt will be assigned serial numbers 2, 3, 4, etc… Again, this will remove the need to goods in personnel to have to manually enter serial numbers (although i would note that on the shop order screen, it is still necessary to RMB, Tracking, Reserve serial No before the parts are received into stock).