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A user recently brought to my attention that the ‘Export’ button is missing from the IFS BR ribbon/ toolbar in Excel when the report is run/ exported from App10 IFS IEE. We are currently using version

Additionally, the IFS BR ‘Export’ button seems to appear in Development mode when logged in to IFS BR application on PC. 

Is the recommended workaround to use the native Excel ‘File → Export’ functionality?



This issue was identified as a bug in IFS Business Reporter and was solved in Business Reporter 5.0.9. 

Please use IFS BR version or higher to use Export/Import in reports ordered from IEE.

Thank you.


@Yasoda Can you please tell me which IFS Apps version and update levels are compatible with IFS BR version


IFS BR 5.0.9 was released with App10 Update 6.  This means that BR 5.0.9 is included in update6.

BR 5.0.9 is compatible with the App10 update 5. A user on update 5 can install BR without any issues. 

