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We are looking to make a change in the way floor stock (small screws, washers, etc) is handled when putting a shop order to the floor.

Floor stock is set to purchased items but does NOT show in “on hand” inventory. This causes the material to show as a shortage on the pick list. However, the material is on the shop floor in bulk and available for use.

I looked at changing the floor stock to Part Type: Expense, but results in a error message “ routing head and structure head exist”. The organization does not wish to remove floor stock from the BOM.

Does anyone know how to set up floor stock items to be on the BOM but not on the stock room pick list as a shortage? 


You may try this;

  1. Set the Part to “Allow as Not Consumed” in Master Part
  2. Set the Qty per Assembly to Zero and Consumption Item = Not Consumed in Product Structure.

Try this setup then create a Shop Order.


The first suggestion will work, but will not record usage.


We keep floor stock (vendor managed inventory, freestock) topped up and in stock to 1000 QOH for each item tagged that way.  We use a nightly migration job to take the items used that day and ‘fill the bin’ electronically so it is available for issuing the following day.

We use a separate accounting group, separate warehouse, and separate part coding to make it clear it is meant to be expensed up front, not counted, and should never run out.  This is the only way I know of to show usage, show the items on the Structure/Shop Order, and include the cost of the items in the total cost of the assembly.  

They are all part type Purchased or Purchased (raw).

Thank you all for the input.

While a key objective is not remove the floor stock material from the bill of materials. Doing this via the change management system would take weeks if not months. Need to explore changing the line on the BOMs to NOT CONSUMED with a mass update job run. This seems to be the best option so far.