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Looking for a simple way to create an export of all elements and sub-elements of a product structure to Excel.

On the “Product Structure” screen, the “Multi Level Structure” tab shows similar data to the Product Structure Graphic screen, and can be output to csv using the standard output channels.

To configure the output channel...

  • Click “Output” at the bottom of the screen, then click the Add… button
  • This opens the Configure Output dialogue box.
  • In the Name field enter CSV, and ensure Generate File of Type is set to “Comma separated (CSV). All other settings can be left at their default.
  • Click Create.

Once the output channel exists, you can RMB on any table view within IFS (e.g. the Multilevel Structure tab on the Project Structure screen), then select Output, and CSV.

The CSV file will then open in excel (assuming you have excel set as your default app for CSV files).


Alternatively, you could build a SQL quick report to output specific data about each part in a given structure. In my company, we build such a report which shows Level No, Part no, Description, Qty per ass, Part Status, Product Family, Product Code, and also details of attached documents, etc.

The best way I’ve found to do this is to export from the Product Structure > Multi Level Structure tab to excel.  Insert a column at the start to assign a unique id to the row so I don’t lose the original order if I need to manipulate the info or combine with other downloads.  Then I can analyze things quickly to a point.  If I need to take it further to a somewhat dynamic and collapsible spreadsheet, I’ll use the Excel Grouping function to apply sub-level groupings to the structure.

I haven’t done this enough to develop a macro or program to do the grouping, but it could probably be done given the logic of the levels is predictable.

Thank you for the helpful replies. That option did work well.

I would like to raise the intensity…  We use SolidWorks and have the capability to export detailed bills of materials from SolidWorks. We use IFS and naturally all Purchase Requisitions / Purchase Orders flow thru IFS. My goal is to create a means to compare the SolidWorks Bill of Materials with the IFS Product Structures including purchasing status (on requisition, on PO, etc).

Do you have any suggestions for this?

At the least, if the two exported Excel (or CSV) tables matched formats, I could use Excel to compare. How can I manipulate the product structure export fields from IFS, including adding procurement status?

Thank you.

Well, you are into either writing a quick report or possibly the creation of an IAL then reporting from that to do some of the background combination work for you or doing a couple of downloads and combining them within a master document to pull all the downloads together.  If you want the actual status of PR, PO, and if you have manufacturing items, you’ll need Shop Order Requisitions and Shop Orders, then you’ll need 4 downloads for orders in process.  You may also need the Customer Order Lines to know demand, unless you have some other starting point that is determining the need to do this comparison.

You would probably also want Inventory status as well which is Inventory Part in Stock.  Unless you never stock anything.  The problem with all of this work and combination outside IFS is how do you know whether PO1 is for Occurrence 1 of the part or is for the later Occurrence 2 of the part?  Then you start needing to know due dates for orders and due dates for PO/SO, etc.  By the time you’ve done all of this, you really should be using the tools within IFS to manage the status and planning of parts - that is what is does for you. 

If you just want gross supply without knowing whether it is in inventory, or is requested, or is on order, you can use the Inventory Parts Availability Overview as a download to just get the gross supply level.  This too has limitations because you don’t really have the criteria to say what to download, so this could be the entire number of inventory parts in a site.  For us that would be prohibitive because we have hundreds of thousands of part numbers, but only a tenth of that active or in process at any point.

The BOM comparison seems useful if you aren’t using an interface to import the SolidWorks BOMs but are recreating manually, but I’d question the level of work required compared to the benefit for the supply status questions. 

You may also want to consider eliminating the intermediate Excel transfer file, and go for a live, bidirectional integration with  real-time data validation:


Hope this helps,


