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Does anyone have experience with incoming customer order that includes configuration data?


Our part in IFS is setup with configuration and in the XML file we read in there is included both configuration details, configuration id and spec revision and it matches the data that we currently have in the system. For this part the configuration id and spec revision exist and is valid.

Still when trying to create customer order we get error 

ORA-20110: ConfigurationSpec.NOSPECREV1: No released configuration specification revision found for the date.

Hi @atvanst ,


We do not use configuration specifications but reading your issue it would seem you have a date issue between inventory part revision and configuration specification revision or some date within the configuration setup.  IFS is picky with dates we’ve run into issues a few times between inventory revision date and product structure dates.  I would go through the specific part at all levels and check my dates including configuration specifications and structures.  



William Klotz

Please check below



Go to Part cat , where you can query the part /Part configuration tab,

Then you can see details Configuration family and all the spec revisions. ( sorry this part is not configurable, so this is not good eg)  …… check the status of that revision.

revision should be in a state released.


If the revision state is not released you need to  RMB and go to Part config revision… and need releasing the spec






Thanks for your help on this.

My issue turned out to be the BASE_ITEM_NO in CHARATER_LINES this needs to be our part no and i had customer’s part no in there.

Found that system does not seem to bother about value in CONFIGURATION_ID but it used characteristic id and values 

Now it works fine, when order is created system automatically adds the proper configuration.