Hi all,
Hope you are doing well!
We recently upgrade from IFS 8 to IFS 10.
We have an issue with the forecast part - historical data window, we migrated the data in periodical transactions table since the beginning.
We have been in apps 10 for several months, but we haven’t been successful to run the demand planner because it wasn’t grabbing the data from the new months that were done in apps 10, the forecast part is not reflecting the sales for the new month's even that we have been running the aggregate task each month and following same processes as we were in apps 8.
Now all forecast parts in historical demand are showing zeros in some periods after we ran the Aggregate Daily, Qualify Parts and Complete Writeback to Database, even dough we already migrated that info. (Screenshot #1)
If we “Create Forecast” in IFS10, DP will consider all zeros in this screen and will give us a super low forecast for the following months, same for all parts. (Screenshot #2)
Have you experienced something similar? do you have any advice?
Thanks for your help!
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2