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We have inventory parts that is no longer in use. But we need to keep these parts in shelf as a spare part for customers.


My question is where can I define shelf keeping finish time?


Is it possible to change the status to “Obsolete” when the time will come that we defined?




There are 2 things that I suggest you do to manage this process.

First of all, you need to set the inventory part to have a shelf life if a standard applies to all parts as per below

You can change the expiration dates of existing parts in stock if necessary…

And you may want to set the part status accordingly to restrict purchase orders being created for replenishment.

Does this make sense?





There are 2 things that I suggest you do to manage this process.

First of all, you need to set the inventory part to have a shelf life if a standard applies to all parts as per below

You can change the expiration dates of existing parts in stock if necessary…

And you may want to set the part status accordingly to restrict purchase orders being created for replenishment.

Does this make sense?




That is great, I didn’t think that I can use shelf life. This looks promising. I will try this as soon as possible. Thanks!