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in our business, every shop order needs manual labor. We would like that shop orders cannot be closed if no time has been reported, is that possible?


We sometime have operators who mistakenly approve the wrong shop order in the time clock or the SFW, we would like to avoid this.

Could you do that with a Custom Event?  




Hi Marc,

I have a similar question I am investigating and believe this may help. It won’t completely error-proof operators closing the wrong order, but will essentially be a “warning” that there are no clockings so they can realize they are attempting to close the wrong order. We use APPS 10 Aurena. On the Site page (Application Base Setup > Enterprise > Site > Site) under “Manufacturing” for that site, there is a “Default Remaining Time to Report” toggle switch under the Shop Floor Reporting Settings. If you turn this off, when you go to approve/close out a shop order with no clockings, it will force you to manually report the time (see screenshot below) in the 4 red boxes before you can close the order. Or, if you cancel out of approving/closing the shop order and then add a clocking manually, it will allow you to continue. Essentially turning off this toggle forces you to input time if there are no clockings and you want to close the order, and notifies you that there are no clockings so you can manually add them in (or realize you are trying to close the wrong shop order). Note: If the shop order has any clocking at all (machine or labor setup or interruption), then this will not appear and the shop order will be closed like usual. Also, I am still looking into this for our business, it appears that this default site toggle completely over-rides any auto-reporting selections made at the work center level. I hope this helps!

