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Using Shop Floor Workbench and Manufacturing Control Plans


When creating the analysis at the point the operation is being worked (either no frequency trigger or time interval trigger), even though I am only working a partial qty (executable qty < SO lot size) my analysis sample size is based on my lot size. Is there any way to set IFS up so my analysis sample size is based on my executable qty, and then when processing the remaining units later on the same operation, another analysis would be required to be generated for the remaining units? Or are there any other solutions to this issue we are having?

We don't want to split at the SO or operation level: We would then have to generate more control plan lines at the SO level every time (Op splits) and or it would increase the administrative burden on technicians once working the shorter operations on the SO (SO splits).


We want to process partials and properly track their acceptance via Analysis Results. At the end of the day we are expected to know what units are where in the build process. This issue is mainly applicable to Attribute data points.

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