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I have tried adding the Shipment Packing List (SHIPMENT_PACKING_LIST_REP) to the Document Footer in Company > Basic Data > Document Footer > Connect Report tab:


On entering  SHIPMENT_PACKING_LIST_REP and pressing tab the Report Title is updated accordingly but not the Component this remains blank and is not updateable.   On clicking Save an error message is displayed ‘The Footer Connection Master does not exist’.




Is it possible to add reports to the Footer Connection Master, if so, how is this done.


Thank you for looking.



That report Id does not exist in the table footer_connection_master_tab which acts as the LOV for this function.

I don’t believe IFS has a client (page) that allows you to add it there; so my guess is there is no solution to this.

You could try adding the REP name into that source table via a script, and then you would be able to add it to your footer in the Connect Report tab.  But i have no idea whether it would then work as anticipated, or not.

@paul harland  Thank you  for your reply,   In the meantime I created a footer within the Crystal Report.  I will let you know how I get on when I get to try the above.