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Has anyone attempted to join the gen_led_voucher_row to the actual invoice_items where the Sales Parts reside ? The requirement is to be able to view which GL row has been created by which invoice item row. 

I can’t find a direct link so it seems we have to go via inv_accounting_row by invoice_id and then to find the rows in invoice_item but then we fail to get a 1-to-1 

I don’t think it will ever be possible to get to 1-to-1 with that type of join.  Every invoice transaction at the line level is always going to have at least two transactions, in and out from the two accounts being tagged with the transaction.  Even with having one Code Part Value set as the order number which can be directly tied to the invoice, you are still going to get all the lines times both sides of the transaction.  There is a point with this type of analysis that you can only export the information and then pivot it by order to find the value by order/invoice.  Taking it down to the line level will require so much effort, I would question what the value of the outcome would be.