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Is there a way to retain the following during an upgrade or prior to go-live?

  • Tabular model deployments
  • Created data load/process jobs
  • Scheduled jobs
  • Entity criteria for incremental loading

What are the best practices to follow during an upgrade or go-live process?
Which information can be retained, and which ones need to be re-deployed?

Hi ​@himasha.abeywickrama,

The tabular model is deployed to the Analysis Service and during an upgrade nothing will happen to the deployed tabular model there.

The tabular model metadata, dataload/process definitions, entity criteria are data stored in the database and those should not affect during the upgrade process.

The scheduled jobs related to Analysis Models functionality is similar to any other scheduled job in IFS. Those will also be treated same during the upgrade.

Best regards,


Hi ​@subashfestus,


Thank you for the clarification!


One of our customers has a production environment setup for tabular models. However they are planning to replace the database with their IEE database during the go live. What will happen to the already deployed tabular models, environment setup and scheduled jobs in IFS? Should they be re-deployed/recreated since its a new database? Is there a way to retain those when deploying the new database?

Hi ​@himasha.abeywickrama,

Are there any tabular model configurations and data source configurations? If yes you have to export the configured objects before the DB replacement and then import again.

Data load/Process definitions will have to be recreated.
Environment setup needs to run again.
I’m not sure whether there is a way to export scheduled jobs. These tabular related scheduled jobs has to be treated as any other scheduled job.
Since the tabular model is already there in the Analysis Service there is no need to deploy them again as long as the SQL server is the same.

Best regards,


Thank you very much! ​@subashfestus 
