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Hi, I am having issues with Query Builder.


After entering the Title I am unable to select anything else, there is nothing to select in the Row Type drop-down, please see below:



Any ideas?


I am logged in as IFSAPP.


Are you able to select Search Views:


@paul harland No it just displays spinning wheel.



Few months ago we also faced this kind of issue in the system, Along with query builder problem we had another problem where  you get below error msg when you try to enter conditional field, 

IFS said that the problem was with  Dictionary_SY_LU and they fixed it 



Hi @Tj12 ,

My team is facing the same issue with no data in the query builder and spinning icon.

Do you have more details about how this issue was resolved? 

Hi @Tj12 ,

My team is facing the same issue with no data in the query builder and spinning icon.

Do you have more details about how this issue was resolved? 


Hi @ChaMylesC 

I am not into technical too much. however root cause for this issue is mainly due to an incorrect report name. 

@johnw66  had posted a thread regarding this and he was able to fix it. 


IFS feedback for our issue was 

“ Reason:

Dictionary_SY_LU got corrupted.

 Root Cause:

DBNames too long in  X instant invoice report (Customer Developed Report)

Permanent Fix:

 Correcting the X F Instant Invoice Report while giving the DB names less than 30 characters”


Even though thread is related to conditional field, your query builder get affected due to this issue. 


@Tj12 @ChaMylesC 

Good day to you both.

In our case we had an Operational Report developed by a third party and unfortunately the LU_NAME was around 27-28 characters however when converted to a DB_NAME it was taken of the maximum limit of 30.

This could be seen by opening the Logical Units view and populating, if this is the case an error will be displayed with the issue.



The client name  XXShpmntHandlUnitLabelRep] is too long to be converted into a 30 character database name.






Hi @johnw66  and @Tj12 .

Thank you so much for your responses! I looked into it today, and found we do have some LU_NAMEs that give the exact same ‘DB_NAME Too Long’ error. We are looking into it more, and will log an issue with IFS it help resolve further.


This was a great help, so thank you again!

Hi @johnw66 and @ChaMylesC,

This error might be most probably caused due to Dictionary_SY_LU being corrupted as @Tj12mentioned.

I came across a similar issue and the observations are as follows,
1. There might be database objects in the dictionary more than 30 characters.

2. There might be LU_NAMES given in incorrect format, when converted to DB object name it would exceed the 30 character limit even though the actual database object deployed is within the 30 character limit.
Here, when converting the LU_NAME to DB_OBJECT name it generates, X_S_A_M_P_L_E_S_ORDER_REPORT_RPT which violates the 30 character limit.
Hence, the actual problem is with the incorrect standard used for the LU_NAME, and should be corrected as LU_NAME=XSamplesOrderReport

Execute the below script to see if there are any LU_NAME issues,

lu_name_ VARCHAR2(30);
pck_ VARCHAR2(2000);
FOR rec_ IN (SELECT lu_name lu_name FROM dictionary_sys_tab) LOOP
lu_name_ := rec_.lu_name;
pck_ := Dictionary_SYS.Get_Base_Package(lu_name_);

If there's an output, you need to go to the database object and rectify the LU_NAME and fix the same in the harvest and if you decide to drop a package, make sure that you need to reflect this on your build home and harvest as well.

Thereafter, you could try performing a full Dictionary Storage rebuild with a cleanup.

Cheers !

@dhelk, I know, that is what we are talking about.  The dictionary is corrupt because of the issue when converting lu_name to dbname error re 30 character limit.  In our case we had an operational report designed and the lu_name was 25 characters but when converted to dbname took it past the 30 character limit.


