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I äm trying to create a new lobby for Project Hour and Cost Analysis hence I have created the below sql query but I am finding it difficult to have a sub-total for every group of the same activity

I wrote the following SQL query 


select distinct


a.resource_id as resource_id,


a.qty_used as qty_used,

a.qty_planned as qty_planned,



from IFSAPP.activity_resource_proj a JOIN IFSAPP.activity_resource_proj_sum b

ON a.resource_id = b.resource_id

AND a.project_id = '&Project_ID'

ORDER BY activity_description


Below is what I am gettting:

I need a sub_total for Activity named 'DETAILED DESIGN’ as well as sub_total for '’ÍNSTALLATION SAFETY STUDIES'’



I äm trying to create a new lobby for Project Hour and Cost Analysis hence I have created the below sql query but I am finding it difficult to have a sub-total for every group of the same activity

I wrote the following SQL query 


select distinct


a.resource_id as resource_id,


a.qty_used as qty_used,

a.qty_planned as qty_planned,



from IFSAPP.activity_resource_proj a JOIN IFSAPP.activity_resource_proj_sum b

ON a.resource_id = b.resource_id

AND a.project_id = '&Project_ID'

ORDER BY activity_description


Below is what I am gettting:

I need a sub_total for Activity named 'DETAILED DESIGN’ as well as sub_total for '’ÍNSTALLATION SAFETY STUDIES'’




I think best solution would be to go for an IAL and use it in the lobby.

You can get the total for each activity that way. Hope you are familiar with IALs.

