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Is it possible to filter a design column or row without having a repeater?  Every time I try to do this, my filter gets wiped out.

Here are the steps I’m taking:

  1. I create a design row with a repeater and add filter criteria:

    1. The design column name and filters.


  2. I delete the repeater because I just want one column - I don’t want the data to repeat.

    1. The repeater that I originally had.
    2. After I deleted the “repeater”


  3. I click out of the column and then come back to it - my filter criteria is gone.

    1. The design columns and parameters are gone.


Hi @Mark.Feldpausch,

There is no need to delete the repeater because once you put the filter it doesn’t repeat the columns.




It is not possible to have a design row with no repeaters. If you need a column that appears only once it needs to be controlled using filters. 

For an example you could have a design column that is repeated by ‘Year’. You could have a filter like Year = 2022 to get one row for that. 

Another option is to repeat a design row or column by a item that you know that you get only one value for it. For an example repeating by company_id in situations where you have only one company in the system.


Best regards,



Hi @Mark.Feldpausch,

There is no need to delete the repeater because once you put the filter it doesn’t repeat the columns.



Depends on your filter, but yes I understand what you are saying.
