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Business Reporter - Design Row does not follow after separate row delete

  • 27 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Designed Repeater in Rows 7-8
Repeater information

My company has been in IFS for a year now, and we have learned a lot about IFS and Business Reporter. I’ve been recently tasked to start making some of our reports more presentable. In the screenshot above, we have a row repeater over Rows 7-8. We no longer need columns A-D, or current rows 3-6. When I delete any amount of rows above, the repeater stays in row 7-8, but the fields Structure Node] and dAccount] move up, meaning the row design has broken.


Deleted the above rows 3-6
After deleting the above rows 3-6


I thought maybe running the report would help the program to reset itself, but it does not. I have found once a file has this issue, it will always have this issue (to my knowledge). I have also seen it in Column Repeaters. We are still relatively new but are having a hard time with editing current reports at times. Is this a bug, or should we be deleting/adding rows/columns differently? I CAN manually edit the start/stops in the row design, but we have enough design rows in a lot of our reports that it would become a massive project. Any information out there would be helpful. Thank you!

Hi @DV - JL 

When we delete the rows above a repeater both the fields and the repeater move up. Same applies for the column repeaters as well. You don't have to manually adjust the design row/column.

Could you please let us know the product version you are using? 
You can find the product version by clicking on the About icon in the Business Reporter ribbon

Thank You
Best Regards

Hi @DV - JL 

When we delete the rows above a repeater both the fields and the repeater move up. Same applies for the column repeaters as well. You don't have to manually adjust the design row/column.

Could you please let us know the product version you are using? 
You can find the product version by clicking on the About icon in the Business Reporter ribbon

Thank You
Best Regards

Thanks Shenali, we do actually need an update, so that may help. Also I think I may have caught something else. It is not every time that I delete a row above a design row that the design does not follow. Some of our reports we did not name the design row, but copied multiple times. So instead of “ADMIN EXP” like the screenshot below, we would have had “Row #1”, “Copy of Row #1”, “ Copy of Copy of Row #1”, names like that. I am wondering if each created design row gets it’s own unique name, if that solves the current issue. So far so good.


The update will certainly not hurt either! Thank you!
