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Which Permission Set I Should Give For PERS_TAB

  • 11 August 2020
  • 3 replies


I Created a lobby for incoming birthdays for persons. I used PERS view for this with prefix &AO.

So, when i testing my code sources on IFSAPP account its working good. But when i testing on normal user like (x) its not working.

I approved lobby element, code source and lobby element for a dummy permission set. Then i gave this permission set to (x) user, but it did not work.

So, my question is if i want to show PERS view records at normal user, is it has to be special permissions like HR manager or something?

Only this view (PERS) has problems like that, the other lobbies as i created, working good for normal users.

Best regards.

Hi 0guz

yes the PERS view does have some data restrictions so it is a little tricky to use.  
In general the easy approach is to use either PERSON_INFO_ALL or PERSON_INFO.  you should try querying both of these views and see which one gives you what you are looking for. 
I think PERS may be affected by the user’s access to protected persons, which is HR configuration as you had supposed. 

Thank you @paul harland. I tried PERSON_INFO_ALL  and PERSON_INFO before but there are no birthday values on the columns. How can arrive to birthday values with more different ways?

hi 0guz, ok i see your problem.

The restriction is likely either caused by Protected Persons, or by HR position access.  I would try to establish which of those it is.  If Protected Persons, there is a screen called “Access to Protected Persons” which might help you.

Other options:

You could create an IAL to show the data in PERS_TAB.  An IAL is often a good way to make data available that is usually not available to a user.  But you should consider the Personal Data Protection implications of this. 

You could use view Company_Person, assuming the people you are interested in are employees.  But you will still run into Position access issues there.

EDIT: Custom fields are not allowed on PersonInfo… so that won’t help you



