
The Row Contains of more than one transaction. Changes not allowed

Userlevel 7
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  • 553 replies


Encountered below error when doing time registration. May I know what’s wrong with it? 

Thank you.

5 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +10



Are you trying to edit the row or adding a new one?

Since you are adding another 8 hours in addition to schedule, can you try to first add the Wage code for extra 8 hours → save it and then try to modify the row? 


Best regards


Userlevel 7
Badge +16

@Zuha Samsudeen Thank you for your input. 

the user knows he made a mistake, he totally added 16 hours, how we would like to know, how to adjust this 16 hours to 0 hours, we cannot delete this line nor add more hours.

Thank you for your instruction.

Userlevel 6
Badge +12



This is what happens when there has already been a correction after the transaction has been accounted for. 

If you report 8 hrs on an activity and this transaction is accounted for, you always have one chance to correct it and the system will automatically create a correction transaction.

But if you now try to correct again you get this message.

To solve this you just add an extra transaction on the same activity with -8 hrs.  When you save it will be presented in time registration as one transaction - summarized.

If you check the project transactions page you can see what has been created automatically and it is easier to understand.


Userlevel 7
Badge +16

@ADDMARIAE  Thank you for your input. I will let user to try adjusting the hours in negative value. hope it work. will let you know.

Userlevel 1
Badge +6

I had exactly the same issue today, and your solution worked. Thanks for posting that solution.
