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I have a bar graph with currency as the data points but it keeps coming up with 5 decimal places for the formatt.  Is there a way to make it have 0 decimal places.  I have the column in the data element set to currency already.

There should be a rounding option in the element designer(pretty far down) or you could use round(column,0) in your data source. 

I have tried both of your suggestions, it still looks like this.

Do you have any other suggestions?  I have also tried to_char(round(total_amount),0),’L999,999,999,999’)  but the lobby element wont work that way.

I have tried both of your suggestions, it still looks like this.

Do you have any other suggestions?  I have also tried to_char(round(total_amount),0),’L999,999,999,999’)  but the lobby element wont work that way.


What does your data source look like? What if you just set the column to currency? 



When i set the column to currency is when i get the 5 decimal places added.  This is how it is set.


When i set the column to currency is when i get the 5 decimal places added.  This is how it is set.


This is what I’m getting with currency:


Column Alias Type
to_char(date_entered,'MM-WW') MonthWeek Text
sum(&AO.customer_order_api.get_total_base_price(ORDER_No)) Base Price Currency


If I instead just set the base price to Number instead of currency, I get (what I think you are looking for?)



Is there a place in IFS where you can change currency setting? 

In Tools/Options you have IFS Currency format


Thank you.  That worked.
