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Hi all,


How are you all reconciling the Employee Travel Claims, e.g. posting created by posting controls TX3 against EP3?

In IFS8, these posting were in the same currency, and therewith simple to reconcile. However, here now in IFS10 (and as I understood, also in IFS9), the currency of these postings are different when the expenses occurred in a different currency than the local currency you will refund the employees. 
(E.G. cost occurred in EUR, but we will refund employee in DKK)

What are you doing? Are you creating a manual voucher to offset the balances? 

Haven’t used Employee payments in IFS 10 but I guess the new posting types EP5 and EP6 are used for this?

If I understand you correctly…. 

Haven’t used Employee payments in IFS 10 but I guess the new posting types EP5 and EP6 are used for this?

If I understand you correctly…. 


Hi Maria,


Yeah, you might expect that they come into play, but  EP5 & EP6 are not kicking in when you do “Payment in Full” or execute payment. (and yes, they are setup)