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I need to query all the users who doesn’t have a base profile. Please some one help me how to get the data. any table or view where i can get this information?


Please try the following:

select identity, description from fnd_user
where fndrr_user_client_profile_api.get_base_profile_id(identity) is NULL
and identity not like 'IFS%' and active = 'TRUE';


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Here are some more information about tables related to profiles.


fndrr_client_profile_tab => details about all available profiles

fndrr_user_client_profile_tab => mapping between the profile and the user. Important: the type of the profile can be determined by the value of the ordinal column. If it’s 1 then it’s a base profile, if it’s 0 then it’s a personal profile, 9 is for standard profile.

fndrr_client_profile_tab => content of the profile
