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In what way do the employee need to clock in to reach the Present Status = Business Travel ?

I tried to do a clocking with Trans Type = In Travel but that only generate Presence Status = Clocked In



Hi Karolina @AddKarolA ,


Seems like by changing only the Trans Type cannot get Presence Status as ‘Business Travel’. I also tried couple of combinations even with Wage codes but ‘Presence Status’ gets values ‘Absence’, ‘Clocked In’ or ‘Clocked Out’. Therefore I’ve checked the relevant method behind this process  Time_Pers_Diary_Clock_Util_API.Get_Presence_Status. 

According to the code structure it searches in several tables using employee_no and company_id. This method returns only one of these values ‘A’, ‘R’, ‘I’ or ‘O’ respectively denotes ‘Absence’, ‘Requested Absence’, ‘Clocked In’ and ‘Clocked Out’. So the other two options ‘B’ and ‘T’ respectively ‘Business Travel’ and ‘Training’ are not considered in this method. This denotes through manual changes Presence Status ‘B’ or ‘T’ cannot be achieved. I believe there could be other system processes involved.

Hope this info is useful.


Best Regards,


Hi Anjaleen,

Thanks for your reply!

I also tried to do a Travel Request and connected an absence to that request, but in Present Employees the status was Absence (not Business Travel). 

I also planned a training for one employee and also confirmed the employee on the training, but I could not get status “Training” in Present Employees.  

So it´s a mystery were these status ‘B’ and ‘T’ comes from…

