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Good day.  Just to check - how do you deal with Position ID and Position Name when you have duplicate Positions but in different Departments of a Company.  IFS does not allow the same Position ID/Name to be used twice.  Many thanks.

@AnGo : You can use 1 single position. When it is assigned to employee, department and position are selected separately.


Vikas Jain

Hi Vikas.  Thank you for your response.  My problem is the Graphical Position Structure.  If I create for example an Engineer position with a Position ID and name (e.g ENG, Engineer) in one Department, and I try to create an Engineer position in another Departments with the same Position ID and name, I get an error saying the Company Position already exists.  Any recommendation in this regard?  Many thanks.  Anya.

Hi Anya,

Please let me know which IFS version you are using?


Hi Vikas, we are using IFS Cloud.  Does that help?  Thank you.  Anya


I think you should consider less detailed positions to avoid this. A position should be used to define if an employee is a manager, teamleader or just an “ordinary” employee - with no subordinates.

If you want to define more details - if the employee is an engineer or a project manager or an assistant you should use jobs for that.

I actually have customers with only two positions - manager and employee… but that is extreme… Normally it looks something like below.

Hope this helps and “inspires” you







Hi @AnGo,

When defining position structure in an organization, you have to think about how authority will be moving from one person to another, in a hierarchical structure.  

Ex: CEO - » Director -» Manager -» Emp

That means, any person (supervisor) having a team (subordinates) should be connected to this hierarchy, though they are in a different organizations. But they can have different job titles.

Best Regards,



Good day Maria and Lasanthi.  Thank you for your feedback.  In our case we do have to define a quite detailed Position Structure.  We have duplicate positions in the same Company, different departments, so it seems that the solution is to give slightly different Position ID’s and Position Titles e.g. ENG and ENG1 for two Engineer position?  Am I correct?  Have a good evening.  Anya

Hi @AnGo,

If you define a unique position id as Eng and Eng 1, you won't get you any error when saving. But I am not sure if it really maps to your business/organization requirement. Therefore, think about the position holder of these ENG and ENG1, what will be the supervisors and  subordinates of these 2 positions ? Are they in the same level even though they are in 2 different departments? . Hope you can have a precise structure after considering these things.

If you really need to go according to the departments, you can combine the dept name to the position. Dep1Eng, Dep2Eng, instead of ENG and ENG1. Just a suggestion.  

Best Regards

