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We have been in a brand new IFSAPP10 for 2 weeks now.

The overtime automatic balance calculation does not work in PRD but worked and still works fine in PPR??????


Eventhough, I have




I have compared the above between PPR and PRD and everything is the same!


Any suggestions?

Aren’t you running the wrong background job? If you expect an automatic balance reconciliation to run there is another scheduled task - “Start  Balance Reconciliation” (or similar)

@ADDMARIAE  thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

The other task is running every night.



Any idea why the automatic weekly reset to 0 for the overtime balance does not happen? 


Any ideas, I still have the problem!

If I manually run the “Start time Time Reconciliation” task, it works. But it does not reset the overtime every Monday with the schedule background task under the userID IFSAPP. What am I missing?

I cannot assign IFSAPP to have supervisor access over every employee since it is not a person. Should I assign the userID IFSAPP to a dummy person? 


Yes, if you use IFSAPP to schedule any HR tasks you must have a person connected to the user and give that person access.

Recommendation is to create a person IFSAPP, just equal to the user ID - do not use person * that is default in some installations…





@ADDMARIAE  Thanks. 

I did create a person and attached to it the IFSAPP userID.

The schedule task ran this morning and this is the result:


But the accounting period is open:


Am I suppose to give some business roles in accounting rules to IFSAPP like I have? 


I thought that IFSAPP had all the rights in IFS?
