
Organization Chart Structure

  • 18 October 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

We have IFS 9

The following picture shows the organizational structure that I have created.

present, faulty
  • Employee A03 is in the DEP_10000 department.
  • Employee A04 is in the DEP_11000 department.
  • DEP_11000 is a subdepartment of DEP_10000.
  • Employee A03 is the manager of the DEP_11000 department.
  • In this way, the manager of the A04 employee is the A03 employee.

I could not implement this structure in the organizational chart.
And I'm just at the beginning. For example; 3 of the 5 employees in a department have subordinate departments, 2 of them have no subordinate departments. There are many such structures. But I couldn't find the problem and solve the logic. Can you help me?


It can happen in 2 ways as follows.

first view or
second view




2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Or it shouldn't be this way. Opening a separate position for A03 and placing it in the department can lead to confusion.


Userlevel 3
Badge +7

In the actual way, where organization units and positions are independent, this will be not so easy.

First I would use detail positions, asyou showed before POS_10001, POS_10012, …
Example: Leader of Administration, Leader of accounting, Accounting Clerk,

In the second way, the subordinate is part of the the department, this should work, as the subordinate is the accountant below the leader.

In the third way, A03 has two organizational assignments.
It doesn’t matter, waht is the first assignment, as in both ways, A01 should be the supervisor of A03.

The first way might work, if organization unit 10011 is subordinate to 10000 and POS_10012 is superior to POS_10031, but I am not shure how you will see it in the organzation diagram.

I am sorry not to help you with sreenshots, but I changed the job and have no access to IFS anymore.
