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We have been using Aurena for a year and have recently moved to Apps10 UPD19.

We have noticed that a Multi Field property that has 15 fields is only offering 10 fields and the validity period in Aurena.


The missing fields are not available in the field picker.:


This is the configuration of that Multi Field Property (I have tried moving the TLP field up a few to see if it appears - it didn’t):

I also had a look at page designer and it did seem to have 15 fields defined.

Has anyone else spotted this and is there a solution/workaround?






If I have understood your question correctly you are trying to define a multi field property for an employee and the property values you defined in the property field definition page is not appearing? In this case it should display all the values and hence you should check the validity period of the values defined.


If it is a free field definition only 10 free field definitions are allowed to setup 

Also when you attach the screen shots attach inclusive of the page names to make it easy.

Please feel free to let me know for further clarifications.

Best Regards,


Hi Dharshan,

Property Code has been defined with Context as ‘Employee’ and with Multiple Fields option. In this property code, 15 Property field has been defined.

When trying to define the property code values in Aurena for employee into Employee Files > Properties > Multiple Fields. It is showing only 10 property fields against that property code. Remaining 5 fields are neither visible in Table View nor into Column chooser. It seems to be missing.


Hi @vickyrohilya ,


Did you check the validity periods?

@Dharshankumaar Mahendran : Yes, validity period is correct.

Thanks Everyone.
@Dharshankumaar Mahendran It is not that there are data lines missing,

Multifields are customer defined records and there are customer defined fields that do not show in Aurena.

There are defined fields that do not show in Aurena but do show in EE.

There is no validity period on the field itself.


I have raised a ticket with IFS though it is currently priority 4.





I’m not aware why the defined are not displayed for input of entries in Multi fields of emp file. Yet If you think you can setup a call with me to see the issue and later we can update this forum on the solution found.


Please reach out to the relevant authorities with the business reason/ criticality of this issue to get your ticket re prioritized by IFS.



I noticed I didn’t update on this.

The issue will be resolved in UPD22 for Apps 10.

