How to set up expense rule for a specific employee having individual set of rule
We try to take travel request function in use, we have one scenario that someone have business trip by driving private car, which company will pay reimbursable per mileage and need to assign/connect their car information into travel request. So I try assign specify expense rule per employee, how can I set it up, please advise.
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Hi Susan,
You can connect an expense rule to an individual employee, like in below example.
Hi Martin
Thanks for your quick response, it is a helpful reply.
If set up a special expense rule for this individual employee, it is for this rule purpose. But if want to connect to other purpose, the expense rule field is as default as assignment rule and can not select any others. How to handle this?
Hi Susan,
I suppose, that there is a general expense rule for all (or most) employees, and that the mileage rule for this particular employee is an exception on that general expense rule, right? If so, I would create a copy of the general expense rule, change the mileage setup in that new expense rule, and assign that to this employee.
After all, the expense rule normally contains all possible expenses for a (group of) employees, but that doesn't mean that all these options are always used.