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Hi, We are looking at expense in IFS but think they may not suit our business. We have a system where managers can only approve upto their level of authority- for some this is 0, some it is 400 other 750 etc.  

Can the system have a sense of value or does it only work on your manager approves your expenses irrespective of value.

Hi Matthew,

for Expenses there is no functionality where you can configure approval workflow based on amounts/value limits. For Travel Request this exists though. You could use Travel Request make the approvals there and create via RMB the Expense Sheets if that is a suitable workaround.

Another Idea:

as I already had such a request and I investigated a bit on this. I found out that in Standard there is the functionality of “Approval Process Template” in the Attachment Area:


In above example this was activated for the LU “Personnel Requisition”. Maybe you can use this functionality also for the LU of Expense Sheet. But you have to check first if on this LU this functionality is applicable or not, as far as I am aware it is working on all LU’s. Unfortunately, I don’t know where to check this, and so far I did not get an answer myself to this question.

After checking the above, you need to set up Approval Templates (i.e for Managers with 0, 400, 750 limits etc.) and “Stop events” which checks for Gross Amount Values and Persons in the Approval Group defined in the Approval Templates ( the Stop Event does not exist in Standard you have to create/configure it = custom event). The “Stop event” will prevent approvals in this Approval Process which exeeds a certain set amount.


 Maybe this could solve your request?

Hi Matthew,


Yes, we have the same requirement, looking forward to have a IFS standard setup for this at one day.

What we have done, is using Job Grades, a custom Table with limits and a custom Event to control the limits.


A: Assign a Job Grade to an employee 
(we link Job ID by default to the same Job Grade - but by using Job Grade, there is a possibility for exceptions)


B: Created a custom table, assigned a limit per Job Grade


C: A custom Event that will validate that the Expense Amount to be authorized is within the Limit assigned.


Hope this will help, and IFS feel free to make this a standard solution ;)
