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A team member recently was assigned a new supervisor.  Before this the team member did not have issues with expense sheets.  Since he got a new supervisor he is able to confirm his expense sheet but gets the following message:

Does this have anything to do with getting a new supervisor?  Does anyone know the fix to this?


Hi @PatrickCuka ,

There’s a Route tab in the Expense Sheet. That error means the employee does have to define a Route line in that tab before confirming.


The reason for this most probably should be that the relevant expense sheet may have ticked for Abroad. If Abroad is ticked, it is mandatory to define the route in the Route tab.



HI @PatrickCuka ,


What you facing is a information message ( That means you can press OK and ignore, then proceed to confirm and approve expense sheet without any issue ) generated because user has enable “Abroad” checkbox on header. Further you always have choice to enter line on Route tab.

If you wish to enter a Route on Route tab, you must make sure you have connected “Abroad rule” to connected expense sheet” Here Abroad rule should have include  areas.


As example ;


Then areas will be available for selection;


Thanks for the replies everyone!  What is the purpose of the Abroad rule?  Is it for reporting purposes?  We’ve been on IFS for almost two years and have seldomly used Abroad.  I recently took over some expense sheet responsibilities and would like to understand the benefit of using Abroad.

@PatrickCuka ,

Abroad rule could be used register special rules that apply to an employee traveling abroad. . The area concept allows separate allowances for a country and, for instance a city in that country  under specific currency and period of validity. Finally defined Abroad rule should be assigned to Allowance code in Expense Rule window.