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Hi Team,

Please let me know whether there is any functionality to set the Employee Status as terminated or similar, depends on the Employment End Date.



Setting the Status through (RMB options) set Employee Status or Terminate Employment is not an option as user has to manually track the Employment End Date.

Hi @Devindya Sathsarani ,

Employee status can have multiple values depending on the business requirement. Not just ‘Active’ and ‘Leaver’ statuses. Therefore the system allows you to select the most appropriate status for the terminating employee in the Terminate Employment wizard itself.

Therefore, I’m quite not sure whether there is a separate functionality available to automatically update the Employee Status based on the Employment End Date.



Hope this explanation helps you.

Best Regards,


Hi @Devindya Sathsarani ,

Your request will need to be addressed as a customization. If you wish to proceed as a customization you can report a case to IFS Consultancy.

Best Regards,