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Hi everyone,

We’re using IFS IEE APPS10 UDP7 and we’ve had situation where the company rehired an employee that was previously terminated and every time, when the supervisor tries to confirm their hours, there is the following error message popping up: “Employee does not exist”. Though, the employee is assigned a position, a schedule and the supervisor is able to see them as one of their subordinate.

The hours are even properly confirmed, it is just that the message appears every time. Only occurs with returning employees.

What could be wrong? When reactivating the employee, I removed the termination dates, set the employee as active again and cancelled the activity log status.

Thank you very much!



@tilex05 Kindly check the employee status and  change it Active status and also his employment period should be valid not expire. 



Thanks & Regads,

IFS Consultant

Hi @tilex05 


It might also be that when you have rehired the master employment is no longer valid - you may want to also check that on the employee file.

Do you not have the functionality to extend employment in Apps 10 as this would be the best way to rehire.  Sorry I have not implemented an Apps 10 in so long I am not sure if that is in there.

Kind Regards
