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I would like to send an E-mailing Reports using Event Action for Delivery note for customer order.

But it’s not Working. any one knows how we can achieve this?

Ultimately we want to send print delivery note pdf file in e-mail using our subject and body.

Please advise.

Thank you.

can you send other emails / reports or is it just this type of report? 

Is the report being generated (PDF Archive)???



Thank you for your reply.

I can send other report like invoice, customer statement etc.

But I can send this report only.

Yes report is being generated in report archive.

Thank you.

Hi Dipak, 

Two ways I can think about doing it is by either using the PDF_REPORT_CREATED Event or via the use of report rules. 


Example of Event set up 



Report Rule example: 



In the report rule you can use the action type of send email and then populate the property list as required. We also use a custom condition to check that we want the report to be emailed so might be something that you might want to think about if you use the report rule. 


Hope this helps :) 

Hi Rob,

Yes, It helps. 

If you are OK, please let me know what CC_REPORT_UTIL_API.EMAIL_REPORT api  do?

If possible please send me code

Thank you.

Hi Dipak,


I'm not at my computer right now so can't share the code but all the API does is using the parameters passed in by checks us it checks to see if the customer is set up to receive these emails (we have a few requirements for our customer to receive these emails). The function then returns true or false based on the result.  :)

Hi Rob,

No problem.

Thank you.

Came cross this - what is event action? can it be used in FSM 5.7
