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Trying to create a custom event to display an information message on when the user clicks SAVE  after receiving item in Receive Shop Order.

  1. Select Shop Order
  2. on the Inventory Receipt tab input Quantity Received
  3. Save the record

Initially, I created the event against LU InventoryPartInStock and table INVENTORY_PART_IN_STOCK_TAB.

Is this the right area to catch the receipt or is there a better place?

The information message is to prompt the user questioning if they have printed the required label(s).


Client_sys.add_info('InventoryPartInStock', 'LABELCHECK: Have you printed the required label(s) for this item? ');


Many thanks.


I’d use transaction tables such as material_history_tab or inventory_transaction_hist_tab. Client_sys.add_info is not guaranteed to work depending on the framework settings. If you have a newer version of IFS, I’d consider using streams message, or an email that sent at the end of the day.

@asanka  Thank you so much for your reply.  I will give that a go.
