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Has anyone had the issue in Aurena apps 10 where if you change the Expense code you are assigning to the credit card transaction that it changes the reimbursable from No to Yes and then wont let you save the expense?








I have a credit card type with Reimbursable =FALSE. I create an expense sheet added a credit card transaction as an expense then try editing it to a different expense code and the system allowed me to do. I can think of only the credit card type window where we define reimbursable or not not in expense rule for the system to change automatically.


I further did some research on this. The issue you are facing is because you have set the expense code as reimbursable in the expense rule window. 



That is why the system is throwing an error message. Please change the expense code ‘E0002’ to non reimbursable in expense rule window and try again to edit the expense.

Thank you both -  Does this mean you have different expense codes for credit card transactions Vs normal expenses as ticking as it as non reimbursable means it is then not ticked automatically for the normal expense user. Thanks


Since you credit card type is non reimbursable ideally a company provided credit card the expenses incurred using that card are not going to be reimbursable which will not allow any reimbursable expense codes to be connected to credit card transactions.

If you are entering a normal transaction you have the ability to decide the reimbursable and non reimbursable transactions and you can change it at the time of entry. 

Hope this helps.
