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Hi, All!

There is annual leave registered and approved for some employee.

It is possible to assign Work Task for this employee on the dates interval within his annual leave.

System does not give any warning.

Is it correct?

Or maybe something not configured properly from our side?



One question - Is this annual leave reported in Time Card / Time Registration? 

This annual leave is registered as Absence with appropriate type.

Can be that availability in service, manufacturing and so only checks in time & attendance… so if you don’t have T&A Association on your absence type it will not affect availability…. maybe, not sure.. Test to see if it makes a difference.

Thanks for answer!

Customer does not use Time Card/Time Registration, it is necessary to make this check in Service & Maintenance only for Task Assignments. On a Gantt diagram I see that this resource is unavailable. And Resource planning search also does not provide this resource. But there is no any warning from the system when employee on annual leave is assigned to Task on those days. 

If availability is affected correctly - shown in gantt - I guess it works fine also without Time & Attendance…  Sounds like a “limitaiton” in the solution.. or a pure bug?