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Can I add the report received on a screen to the mail event? 

For example, after recording the screen on the accidents screen, I can get a report from the right menu. I would like to attach this report to the following event.


Best regards,






Hi @Mervan , did you notice this past thread which explains it?

Event Action attachment | IFS Community

First of all, thanks for your answer. @Asela Munasinghe,

What's seen in the past doesn't quite solve my problem. My problem is attaching the screen report to an event.


Hi @Mervan so you are referring to a PDF_REPORT_CREATED event where you wish to attach the same PDF in the event action? Just trying to understand your requirement completely :)

 I couldn't explain my problem exactly, I have a mixed problem :) 

For example, after saving the screen on the accidents screen, I confirm the status from the right menu. When I confirm the status my event will run and additionally I want to add "Print Event Details Report" 

could i explain 🙂 @Asela Munasinghe 



I don’t think you need to add a separate attachment to the event action here. Can you please try to email the report while the event action has ‘zero attachments’ and see if you get it as an attachment?

@Asela Munasinghe 

I guess you didn't understand the point. :)  There is no fixed pdf. I have a pdf that is constantly changing. Once every accident case is confirmed, the event will start and my on-screen report will email 10 staff members. And the user only needs to confirm the status to submit a report. A report will be sent to 10 personnel at the same time. 


So two different jobs will be solved with one command.


Hi @Mervan , 


Just use predefined PDF_REPORT_CREATED Event and pass &PDF_FILE as an argument


thank you for your answer @Alexander