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We enter an absence line in the result tab of time card for 4h with the tag “not removable” because the employee takes half a day of.

Then on the day itself the employee will add a line “in normal” in the clocking tab and a line “out absence” total of 4h.

After that we use a scheduled task that uses TIME_PERS_DIARY_UTIL_API.geerate_hours that calculates the result tab.

But then we see that the calculated result gives us 3 lines:

  1. 4h absence that we entered manually
  2. 4h work time as recorded
  3. 4h absence that was calculated to reach the 8h of their schedule

The 3rd line should’t be added because we already put in 4h of absence.

This looks like a bug to me or am I forgetting to add a parameter?

This is expected result. If you add something manually in the Results tab with “do not remove” option it will remain there no matter what you do.

The solution is that you should NOT report absence as a manual result if you have clocking based time reporting.

If the employee clocks out with absence the system will automatically calculate absence for the rest of the day.

It is actually the scheduled task Forward absence that finalizes the absence for the day.


If the employee doesn’t clock and you need to add it manually you should add the absence as an interval.



Thank you for the explenation Maria.

But is there maybe another way to register a single value of 4h absence when the employee has a flexible schedule?

When we enter the absence in the interval we need to enter the in time and out time but it is possible that the employee starts an hour early that day so in that case we would just like to enter a specific number of hours.

If you have clocking based time reporting you must cover the scheduled time correctly. If the employee for example works overtime 1 hour in the morning and then is absent in the afternoon there are settings for how to handle this.

In the “Absence parameters” you can set whether you want the flex limits to be used for absence, if it should level absence and flex and if overtime should be reduced by absence or not.
