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Hi , from 23R1 ,

IFS supports to call  Workflow from a Custom Command.



While, as I tested ,

after the workflow executed (eg, changed some value of the Page)

the web page doesn’t get refreshed.

User have to manually click the “refresh” button to get new value shown.


Is there any way to make web page auto freshed?


※I added a “Force Complete” Custom Command to a execute workflow

    after executed , data is changed , but page not refreshed.



Auto-refresh option does not exist for workflow commands. Is it a frequent use case to update data related to the current page, rather than updating data elsewhere?

Hi @Lahirumala de Mel 

 In our case, we would like to add 2 workflow commands,

 both of them will update the data of current page & other page.


so ,after data be update , we would get an auto-refresh option for this custom command.







Auto-refresh option does not exist for workflow commands. Is it a frequent use case to update data related to the current page, rather than updating data elsewhere?

Hi @Lahirumala de Mel, does this limitation still exist, or is there a way in newer versions to force a refresh?

This capability is still not there. Not until 24R1.

@Lahirumala de Mel  does it mean in 24R1 we will have a way to auto refresh the screen?

I meant that this capability won’t be available in 24R1 as well. Not sure if this will be planned for any release beyond 24R1.

Auto-refresh option does not exist for workflow commands. Is it a frequent use case to update data related to the current page, rather than updating data elsewhere?

Some use cases:

  • Fetching data from elsewhere in IFS to the current page
  • ​​​​​Fetching data from elsewhere on the internet to the current page (I haven’t tried it yet)

I have created an idea for additional Workflow tasks like

  • refresh page
  • call a form


