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Hi All,

   I was started created new projection configuration in Aurena.

    In middle of steps , i go back to new other one page then i back to create projection configuraiton.

     Not found on my details of New projection configuraiton.

     When i was create again same projection name ..then error shown that ‘Projection entity already configuraiton’.

I am search ,but unable to find .

Kindly assist us.

From time to time I have had to sign off and sign back on to see the newly created projection.  Have you tried that yet?



   No found as per accordingly.

   ow can see newly created projection or partial projection.

  Please let me know anyone.

Hi @Adarsh ,

If there’s an existing projection configuration for a particular Projection then it will navigate to that previous configuration when you try to create a new one. 

Are you trying to create a new Projection as or configure an existing projection?



Best Regards.

@EntNadeeL ,


I try to find existing projection, which was created partial earlier,

i am finding partial created projection , but unable to find that.

if i created new one of same projection then shown above error

“The projection is already configured...” 


@EntNadeeL ,


I try to find existing projection, which was created partial earlier,

i am finding partial created projection , but unable to find that.

if i created new one of same projection then shown above error

“The projection is already configured...” 


I have tried doing what you did and it did not save the project configuration for me.

Navigate to Project Configurations and check if your created project configuration is in the list. 


If it exists then you can use it. I think its better you try out with different name and create a new one.


Kind Regards,