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Hi, I saw few other topics disussing how to replace pictures in IEE login page in Branding options. For the picture on the left side of IEE login page, is there any suggestion about picture size/pixel for best fit? Thank you!


This is somewhat dependent on the dimensions of the browser window (or your screen, if it’s maximized) because the image will try to fill out your browser window. It will maintain its aspect ratio but scale so that it covers the entire background.

Something that mimics the default one will probably behave in a similar way to that.

The important thing to note is that details to the right of the image may be obscured by the login controls rendering on top of them, while details near the bottom of the image may not be rendered if your screen is wider than the image because they will be below the bottom of the browser window.

As such, if you put text on it or something else that you want the user to see, then that should probably be placed near the top left which gives it the maximum chance of not being obscured behind the login controls or rendered below the bottom of the browser window.

Best regards, Björn.