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We recently upgraded to IFS Cloud R23.1.7 from Apps 10 aurena.  In Aurena we kept the page context as “Global”  With each upgrade we have to go into Page configuration and bring all of the “Behind” pages to a status of “Up-to-Date”  I have 3 separate companies, each requiring their own custom screen layouts.  In order to maintain multiple versions of screens in IFS cloud, I am going to have to maintain multiple versions “Context” of each screen.  I would then need to apply any upgrade changes to each context version of the screen.  What is the most efficient way to do this.  I need to make sure with each upgrade that all the new functionality is added but also keep all of my custom entities(Custom fields) on those screens.  At this point I have been expanding the comparisons and un-doing the items that are deleted before I put the new version in place.  Is there a better way?



Hi @jloveall

I have a similar problem. ​​​It's good to know that the contexts are only layers on top of the global context. How I do it:

  1. After the upgrade unpublish all pages where the baseline has changed
  2. Start at the page config page, filter on baseline behind. Select a page and go to designer.
  3. Start with the global config 
  4. Expand the changes, apply baseline and revert the configurations which were deleted.
  5. Save → Publish
  6. Continue with the next context

I do agree that this seems to be a lot of work which needs to be done every Release upgrade (and sometimes in Service Updates as well!)
