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Has anyone ever use report rules to send output to multiple printers from one print job?

(Is this even possible?)

I’ve got a set of report rules to save Invoices as a PDF using IFS Connect but I also want to send a hard copy to specific printers depending upon certain data fields on the invoice.

There is a logical printer, ARCHIVER, that the user selects and then I have two rules, executed in the following order:

  1. If Logical Printer is ARCHIVER and certain Site code - Print To Logical Printer HARD_COPY
  2. If Logical Printer is ARCHIVER then Route to Connect

I can see both rules firing in the Print Rule Log,

Rule #1 sees an entry in the print agent log file but nothing is output

Rule #2 sees a file created via IFS Connect.


Any ideas?



Based on our inputs, the following is my thoughts.


  1. Change the conditions to being mutually exclusive of each other. In this case Rule 1 should be for SITE CODE equals ( say A),  and Rule 2 Should be for Site Code Not Equals ( to A).
  2. Set Logical Printer Id = HARD_COPY .  I assume there is a physical printer named as HARD_COPY, installed on the a specific machine to receive these prints. There will be a necessity to   configure a print agent , to frequently check if any job is being sent to the Logical Printer, and to forward this to the printer , on that server/system, with the same name called HARD_COPY. The details of the config needed are in IFS technical documentation for reference.  -  
    Foundation1 / Installation Guide / Installation Options / Reporting / Install Print Agents /



Thanks for the reply Vivek

Unfortunately, that would result in output going to EITHER connect OR HARD_COPY

I want an output to BOTH



You could do this with some custom code and using the PDF_REPORT_CREATED event to print a report out to a different printer.  (I use a similar solution to reprint an operational report using  different Crystal Layout and also email out the PDFs at the same time) - See last post



Or you could use PDF_REPORT_CREATED to handle the output to file instead of using Route to connect - here I have some code which is triggered when an invoice is printed to save a PDF copy to file.



pdf_file utl_file.file_type;
Stor_buf_ raw(32000);
pdf_blob blob;
pdf_blob_len integer;
vstart number := 1;
addmax binary_integer := 32000;
result_key_ number;
x number;
l_filename_ varchar2(100);
ora_dir_ varchar2(1000) :='INVOICE';
invoice_no_ varchar2(2000);
customer_po_no_ varchar2(2000);
customer_no_ varchar2(2000);


select pdf into pdf_blob from ifsapp.pdf_archive_tab a where = ifsapp.pdf_archive_api.Get_Id(&RESULT_KEY,&PRINT_JOB_ID);

customer_no_ := REGEXP_SUBSTR('&NOTES', '\Customer No: (e^,]+)', 1,1,NULL,1);
invoice_no_ := REGEXP_SUBSTR('&NOTES', '\Invoice No: (c^,]+)', 1,1,NULL,1);
customer_po_no_ := ifsapp.customer_order_api.get_customer_po_no(REGEXP_SUBSTR('&NOTES', '\Order No: (e^,]+)', 1,1,NULL,1));

pdf_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(pdf_blob);

-- Open the destination files.

l_filename_ := '#DB_SID#' || ' - ' || invoice_no_ ||' - '|| replace(customer_po_no_,'/','') ||'.pdf';

pdf_file := utl_file.fopen(ora_dir_, l_filename_, 'wb', 32764);

vstart := 1;

-- Save blob length
x := pdf_blob_len;

-- If small enough for a single write
if pdf_blob_len < 32760 then
utl_file.put_raw(pdf_file, pdf_blob);
-- Doesn't fit, have to write it in pieces
vstart := 1;
while vstart < pdf_blob_len and addmax > 0 loop, addmax, vstart, Stor_buf_);

utl_file.put_raw(pdf_file, Stor_buf_);

-- Set the start position for the next cut
vstart := vstart + addmax;

-- Set the end position if less than 32000 bytes
x := x - addmax;
if x < 32000 then
addmax := x;
end if;
end loop;
end if;

-- Close the files.


Note: I used the code found in this thread:
